Interesting Articles 2024

Volkosob - half-wolf and half-dog

Wolfhound is a hybrid of a wolf and a domestic dog. These hybrids are also called wolf dogs, wolves and half-wolves. Often wolfhounds are called established breeds, and random hybrids are called half-wolves. It is not recommended to start these hybrids for people who do not have communication skills with large dogs and special knowledge.

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Landseers are large, stately dogs that look like Newfoundlands. Many people unknowingly confuse these breeds, although they were separated at the beginning of the 20th century. The ambiguity in the question of the difference between landsyrs and Newfoundlands is also brought about by the fact that the latter allow the standard in black and white, which is common to both of them.

Dilophosaurus Dinosaur

Dilophosaurus, or the lizard with two crests, was first discovered in 1954, in the state of Arizona (USA). He inhabited our planet in the Jurassic period - 200-191 million years ago. He is considered one of the first representatives of predatory theropods. Appearance of the dinosaur Dilophosaurus Dinosaur Dilophosaurus The length of the Dilophosaurus was about 6 meters, while its growth was about 2 meters, and weight 400 kg.

Bowhead whale

Domain: Eukaryotes Kingdom: Animals Subdomain: Eumetazoi Without rank: Two-sided symmetrical Without rank: Second-type Type: Chordate Subtype: Vertebral Infratype: Maxillary Supraclass: Four-legged Class: Mammals Subclass: Animals Infraclass: Placental Squadron Squadron Squadron: Squadron: Family: Smooth whales. Genus: Greenland whales. Species: Greenland whale. Greenland whale spends all its life in cold polar waters.


Mamenchisaurus in Latin Mamenchisaurus means a lizard from Mamenchi. So he was called a famous Chinese paleontologist named Yan Tsonghyan two years after the discovery of the bones of a dinosaur. Mamenchisaurus lived on our planet about 150-145 million years ago in the Jurassic period, looked almost like Diplodocus, but had significant differences from other sauropods.

Save a hundred agouti in Brazil

Zoodefenders from the world famous city of São Paulo, in Brazil, saved a hundred agouti. This happened on one of the outskirts bordering with green spaces located outside the city. The animals were discovered by one of the inhabitants of this huge city - Esmeralda Ferrash. It all started with the fact that she noticed that at the end of her garden someone had settled down.

Drops Bars for dogs

Bars drops for dogs are produced by the leading manufacturer of veterinary drugs - the Agrovetzashchita company, well-known in our country. A feature of the production base and the entire laboratory complex "AVZ" is the equipment with the most modern and high-quality equipment, which allows you to receive highly effective veterinary drugs that receive the European GMP certificate.

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The structure of the earth's crust

The Earth’s crust is a structural element of the Earth’s structure, it is a solid outer shell of the planet. Most of it is covered by the waters of the oceans, and the smaller ones are continents that are exposed to atmospheric influences. The remaining parts of the planet's structure - the upper and lower mantle, the outer and inner core, are located under the crust.

Unusual pets: photos of exotic pets

The bright colors of tropical snakes, the leisurely movements of iguanas, the furry paws of a giant spider ... this is not a horror movie script, it is what more and more often attracts breeders of unusual pets today. For some, dogs and cats seem like a completely banal and hackneyed option. Such exotic lovers acquire for themselves animals that, it would seem, are not at all "for home use."

Recognize insects by coloring "clothes"

For each type of insect, nature has created its own “clothes”, thanks to which some look like inconspicuous twigs, others have the ability to “hide in plain sight”, and others are completely bright, but their appearance shouts “do not touch me, I’m dangerous and poisonous! ”Therefore, it is worth knowing what is hidden under the clothes of insects?

Antarctica animals. Description and features of animals of Antarctica

The fauna of Antarctica is directly related to its climate. Therefore, all living organisms of this continent are located only in those places where plants are present. According to information received from scientists, all animals of Antarctica are divided into aquatic and terrestrial. At the same time, there are no completely land representatives of the fauna on this continent.

Chupacabra ruins the households of residents of the Voronezh region

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Raghorn seahorse. Rag lifestyle and habitat

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Australian bees knock pollen in record time

Science has learned that the Amegilla cingulata bees, common in Australia, use a unique approach to pollination of plants: their tiny head moves at a staggering speed of 350 times per second. Such news was seriously interested in scientists from many universities in the world, so they decided to conduct a small experiment by comparing Amegilla cingulata and North American bumblebee.

Ecological problems of the Sea of ​​Japan

The Sea of ​​Japan is located on the outskirts of the Pacific Ocean. It washes the shores of Japan and Russia, China and Korea, being the economic zone of these states. Since the reservoir has the same environmental problems as other seas of the planet, the government of these countries carries out various actions to preserve the nature of the sea.

Hammer fish

This animal belongs to the class of cartilaginous fish and is part of the carcharine order. The family to which the hammer fish belongs is called the hammerhead shark. Marine life is a mysterious world. More and more often he reveals his secrets to us, revealing outlandish animals to the light, many of which are dangerous to humans.

Lysandia, land of happy foxes

- Sleep well, my baby! - said in a gentle voice mom - Fox. - A fairy tale! A fairy tale! TALE !!!!!!!!! the little red fox whimpered. - Okay, what kind of fairy tale to tell you? - About the magical land of Lysandia! “But Ryzhik, you listen to this fairy tale every evening,” mother said carefully. - This is the best fairy tale!

The biggest snakes

In order to rightfully bear the title of "The Biggest Snake", it is necessary to amaze herpetologists with a harmonious combination of two key parameters - a solid mass and an outstanding length of a slippery body. Let's talk about the gigantic reptiles that make up the top 10. Reticulated python It is considered the longest snake on the globe, inhabiting mainly South and Southeast Asia.